

Take care of yourself “mentally”



Hello, this is Reina.




I started this blog since I was studying at CSU from last year.





It’s been a long time since then but......






Currently, I’m taking a semester/year off from a lot of reasons, but I’m going to share you all , a lot of things !!



so please stay tuned






Anyway for today,

first of all, I want you all to watch this video by Jay Shetty.






He’s an amazing speaker , and you know that.




We  all have a chance and opportunity to know and get a lot of information from the internet these days.



It could be bad sometimes, but this time I’m telling you this as a good example.



Why I came up to this topic?


Its because, I fight and argue with my parents a lot. Like A LOT.


And this is because, they have this own view for the society based on how they’ve lived there life for like 50 years.



And ofcourse I am not telling you that, 

they’re wrong .



But when you were a little kid, the adults you most see and talk is your parents.



and they tell you about the world, what is right and wrong .


How to deal with this and that.



So you believe they are the right one, when you make decisions, and when you’re struggling.


But when you grow up and start to live alone , meet with a lot of people from different places and have more time spending with lots of adults or older friends, you’ll notice.



“They’re not always right.”


and guess what.



When you realize it and have your own opinion and thoughts, it sometime makes it hard for your parents to understand you.


Because we became outside of their thoughts . or the area that they thought we are going to be.



Right now, I’m not talking about any specific things about this video you’ve just watched.



But it’s because we are more easier to see inspirational video, encourageable news, and a story like Jay shares or a lot of famous people share.




They didn’t have that opportunity when they’re our age.



We are able to feel and know more things that we didn’t realize.



Thats why we have a lot of different values or ideas.


More than the past young people.



Its obvious that we think more than people in the past because a lot of things are changing extremely fast and incredibly in this 20-30 years.





It could be because I’m a little bit different , like to challenge more and do a little weird things ....

( hahaha I mean a little special things? I guess)






So, the point is that



We have a lot of opportunities to grow us more , more than you know .



And it’s a good thing!


And I like to watch these videos so that I can have a lot of perspectives.





Well, however , I don’t know how to convince my parents to let me study in the U.S. and work overseas.

So if you have any suggestions to persuade my parents, please comment.

(I actually really need help ! 😂)





Anyways !



The main topic of this blog is to Take care of your self mentally .



What do I even want to say?


about horses?



of course !!



But wait.



The reason I posted Jay’s video is that

I thought this video also tells you how we should live “as a human” from now on.



These days, a lot of people says that





Most of the job will be taken by computer in few years” 





and yes, already, bunch of jobs and work is overtaken by computers and robots as known as AI.



We don’t need a paper map and a compass to go to that store 3miles away.

We can just open up the google map and navigate it.

(unless if you have enough battery!)



Teachers doesn’t always have to be in the classroom to teach highschool math for college students.

They can just do some work on online or watch lectures and take exams online.


You can take the best professors lecture online even if youre not in that classroom.





and this one one lady who was my highschool teacher told me the reality.



”It is true that computer is taking our jobs soon, students studies more effective on online than study from us”




and we discussed about about how if computer took all of the School work, will be not good for a lot of young people.




We would not going to have a place to “LEARN”.



Its not where we learn “math” or “ science”.



LEARN about yourself, other people, and life.



Out thoughts , ideas, and perspective , a lot of things that our wonderful brain creates is the thing that computer can’t copy.




So, by watching this video, it just reminded me how it’s important to learn about life , how to deal with life and yourself.




everyone will have hard times. 




because I value the time of being painful, I think taking care of yourself (ofcourse people around you too but first you)

Is the important thing while you live.




And that’s what “computers” can’t control, ”Ideal” can’t “fit in”.



you know, nobody is same.



that’s why, differences is important when you think about it mentally.




and probably you know what I want to say......




Equine assisted therapy will help you!!!!




Lets go ride horses, let’s go feed horses, when you’re stressed, overwhelmed and sad.








I know therapy will going to be very important very soon in the future for all of you.







Take cake of your self !



oops, miss-spelling .




Take care of yourself “mentally” !







Thanks for reading.


See you soon!




